Friday 10 April 2015

Slimming Secrets; Exercise

Dieting is one thing, keeping the weight off is another obstacle. This section has been designed to provide slimming secrets that go beyond mainstream dieting. One of the tips to lose weight that I often give is that the best physical activity is one that you enjoy doing so you're likely to keep it up in the long term. For inspiration, here you'll find "Slimming Secrets" - little tricks that will help you lose weight and keep it off in the long term. Sometimes it only takes a small change to see a big transformation!


Exercise on the Go

After 10,000 years of evolution where progress has been constantly pushing us forward, everything these days is promoting the idea that physical exertion is our enemy...

Physical effort is considered by some people to be hard work, a nuisance, a burden and something to be avoided at all costs. Start thinking of it the other way. Look at each movement not as being a burden or a waste of time but instead an opportunity to control your weight, protect your health and improve your well-being. If a neighbor is struggling with carrying a bag or a suitcase, run to their rescue instead of looking away. You've forgotten your keys upstairs? Don't get in a huff--use your body for what it was made for and get its 723 muscles working. If something falls on the ground-- be the first to pick it up. If your elevator has broken down--don't moan and groan -- walk up the stairs and note that some people pay good money for step classes at the gym. There is one thing you must remember – exercise is great for your health, so get moving! 

Weight Loss Attitude

Love what you hate and seek what you are avoiding!

Try a dream or an experiment. Radically change your mental attitude. Instead of viewing a trip, work or physical exercise as a chore or punishment, look at them as blessings and genuine gifts that life is sending your way. Change your perspective -- doing is living! This mental reversal changes the situation radically.

Look for any opportunity of doing with your body. Don't let technologies deprive you of any opportunity to be active. By giving over a major part of what you do to technology, you are essentially handing over a part of your life which renders you less active, and increases your weight!

Importance of Physical Activity

You want to lose weight? Carry your grocery bags!

Let everyone around you know -- broadcast it to your neighbors. You'll feel compelled to do it...

Tell yourself "I am taking responsibility for my body-- I am making use of it again and giving it a reason to live.” Don't forget that your body is a part of yourself--the part which experiences, which feels, which suffers or finds fulfillment. Don't expect to find total happiness until you achieve a healthy body and a stable weight.

So don't give up and rely on technology to take over! Technology is there to make your life appear easier--when in reality it makes you lazy and dependent on gadgets that don't give you anything back but which you completely depend on. It's not about going back to the Stone Age but about being aware of all these ways that technology makes you less active. Be happy and carry your grocery bags with a cheerful smile!

Weight Loss Metabolism

Get your metabolism moving again!

There is a world of difference between a little exercise and none at all....

Recent studies have proved that among those people who are very inactive, there was a fundamental difference between carrying out simple normal and useful human activities and being totally sedentary.

Walking to get to the nearest bus stop or subway, doing some shopping by walking to the local shops, taking your kids for a walk, bringing them back home from school, doing a little house work is enough to prevent muscular function from dying out. It's like the difference between a car that has stopped with its engine still ticking and another car whose engine has been switched off. The difference is even more marked when you are dieting because your body starts to operate in economy mode and in this case if you are totally sedentary you will be burning up practically nothing. For those who are very sedentary, twenty minutes of walking per day is enough to rev up your metabolism and get you ready to lose weight!


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